Crested Gecko Care

Crested Geckos (Correlophus ciliatus)

Crested geckos are originally from the New Caledonia islands. Crested geckos are an ideal reptile pet for beginners; they have simple, easy-to-care requirements. Because they are primarily leaf/branch dwellers, they make an outstanding display in your room vivariums.

Crested Gecko can live 15-20 years with proper care. They can reach a maximum size of 8 inches, however, unlike other gecko’s they can lose their tail and WILL NOT GROW them back. Please do not handle your gecko by the tail.

Your gecko should be housed in a front opening glass terrarium minimum size 12x12x18. Zoo Med and Exo Terra make excellent Crested Gecko tanks. With screen tops for proper air circulation. Crested geckos need to be kept between 72-80 degrees. This can be achieved with a low-wattage heat lamp over the top of the tank. Do not place the heating unit directly on top of the tank, it can melt the plastic. We hang from hooks in the ceiling an inch or two above the screen top. During the winter they can dip into the high 60’s without any issues. Use a temperature gauge up near the heat source to keep an eye on the temps in the tank. They need to be kept in a moderate to high humidity environment. Misting them daily or every other day with DISTILLED water only! Any other water could form hard spots on your glass terrarium.

Crested geckos spend most of their time up off the ground of the terrarium. You can use a variety of soils (cleaned for reptile purposes) such as coconut fiber pulp, Eco Earth for a more naturalistic look (peat moss-based soil mix that does not contain perlite), and lots of wet spagmoss and leaf litter. This will help keep the moisture in the tank for perfect humidity.

Your gecko will prefer to rest in foliage and to climb on wood. Dried wood branches with vines or leaves wrapped around them make for safe and happy gecko resting places. Cork bark, grapevine, and spiderwoods are beautiful woods to use for a vivarium. ALWAYS FREEZE WOOD 24HRS before placing in your gecko enclosure (even if you bought an item from a pet store or show) You can use live plants in your terrarium, give them two weeks quarantine time. Just make sure to give the plant a small plant light to promote growth. Do NOT place a gecko terrarium near a window! The heat could kill them.

Your gecko is one of the easiest lizards to feed. They require a balanced fruit mix made by either Pangea or Repashy. Both are excellent foods. We recommend mixing with non chlorinated water. Leave tap water out overnight to dechlorinate. Never make more than 7 days’ worth and keep in the fridge. Feed gecko every 2-3 days with fresh food. I have noticed my geckos prefer their food thicker. Keep a shallower water dish in the bottom of the tank for both drinking and soaking if they are shedding. Their powdered food is the best-balanced food to give them. Other treats include occasional Dubia roaches (easy to keep, low care, no smell) A piece of fruit, or Pangea makes a gecko treat. All these should be used maybe once or twice a month, but not too often. Personally, I do not care for crickets! They smell, they are noisy and the bigger they get the more harmful they can be to your reptile. They will eat on a gentle lizard if they are hungry. Always keep your insects well fed. If and when you feed your reptile insects, try to feed them in a separate plastic bin with just the insects. If feeding Dubia, you can use a non escape proof cup! So that you will not overwhelm your terrarium with bugs. Just keep your reptiles in the plastic bin for a few hours for crickets. Put remaining insects in a separate plastic bin with food and insect water crystals.

Handling your Crested Gecko is easy. Give them the first night or two, to get used to their new homes. Then take them out daily for both exercise and bonding. They do not have to be handled to be sweet reptiles. Talk to them, so they know your voice. Remember they are crepuscular (dawn and dusk is their active time, however they will play all night) so handling them at this time will help them till they get used to you. They do not require much more than 5 minutes of attention daily, however, there is nothing wrong with a spoilt gecko. Remember to NOT cup your gecko in your hot hands. Humans are 98 degrees, so trapped in between hot hands will make them uncomfortable and want to get away. They are happy to perch on fingers or arms. NEVER leave a gecko unattended outside of its tank. They can move very fast and can hide in small dark corners.

**Side note: if you have a small kitchen scale, the best way to keep a healthier record of your gecko, is to keep a general weight on them. Once a month or more, weigh them in grams. Then you can be assured they are eating correctly.