Gecko Enclosure Setup

Start with an enclosure. Either an 18 X 18 X 24 or 12 X 12 X 24 preferred for geckos over 20 grams. Under 20 grams a smaller enclosure or even a plastic tub with ventilation will work. With smaller geckos they can sometimes not find their food well enough in a large enclosure. We prefer the Exo Terra brand of enclosure, but there are other good ones. The one pictured below is an Exo Terra 18 X 18 X 24

Start with Bio Balls/Beads to create a drainage layer, about 1 inch deep in the bottom. Zoo Med has a product called HydroBalls, but there are others that are just as good.

Add a screen cover between bio balls and dirt. This will keep the soil from falling into the drainage layer. Use a screen that is aluminum or plastic insect screen so that it will not rust. Pangea has one available that is cut to fit, but hardware stores have rolls of it you can cut to size.

Dirt should be something cleaned for reptiles, coco fiber or jungle mix.  If you are adding isopods, add worm castings and limestone. Eco Earth by Zoo Med is a nice dirt to use. Any dirt used from a home center must be organic and not have any fertilizers included. We freeze our dirt before using to make sure no insect are in it.

Add some branches for the Gecko to climb on, or rub their shed off on. Cork bark works well too. Spider wood like below is great. Some people use branches from outside, but you have to make sure you dont get a type of wood that would be bad for them. Wood should be frozen or baked before putting in an enclosure.

Add a feeding ledge. Gecko’s prefer to eat up high in tank. NOT on the ground! There are many types to chose from. We like ones with two cups one for water and the other for the food and always something with magnets.

Add an additional ground water dish so they can soak their shed off, drink from, and just to help keep humidity in the tank.

They need a “hide” to call home. This can be a wonderful cave by Firehouse gecko’s in the picture below , a coconut hut, or rock cave….Something safe and a place to sleep. I would highly recommend something WITHOUT suction cups as they will fall eventually and could harm the gecko.

Finished SIMPLE tank.  I add a touch of both live and plastic plants. Live are for the isopods that will be added later, and the big plastic are both for decorations and a safe place for the gecko to lounge in.